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Exits en

Exit from Comparateuragricole.com

In October 2020, Loire Valley Invest sold its stake in Comparateuragricole.com, the leading online agricultural trading platform.


Following this transaction, cooperative group SCAEL became the majority shareholder of the startup…

Exit from Nextflow Software

In June 2021, Ouest Ventures 3 sold its stake in Nextflow Software, a startup specialising in simulation applied to fluid mechanics.


The SIEMENS group has become the majority shareholder of the Nantes-based deep tech startup.


Ouest Ventures 3 sold its stake in Ideolys (publisher of Easilys software) in June 2021.


The company is now part of MAPAL group, a leading European publisher of software for catering management (back office) and business analysis.


Exit from Agrauxine

In 2014, GO CAPITAL sold its stake in Agrauxine, which specialises in developing bio-control products that are subject to marketing authorisation (MAA).


This transaction took place in the context of the company’s merger with the Lesaffre group, a global leader in the yeast and other fermentation products sector.

Exit from Memometal

GO CAPITAL sold its stake in Memometal in 2011.


The hand and foot surgical implant specialist was taken over by North American group Stryker Corporation.